There are several ways of getting the GUID of your computer:
Via the OfficeScan server web console
- Log on to the OfficeScan server web console.
- In OfficeScan 10.6, go to Networked Computers > Client Management. In OfficeScan 11.0 amd 12.0, go to Agents > Agent Management.
- Highlight the group or domain and you should be able to see the GUID column which contains the information for each computer.
Via the OfficeScan client console
- Right-click the OfficeScan client icon.
- Select the OfficeScan console.
- In OfficeScan 10.6, click Help > About. In OfficeScan 11.0 and 12.0 click ? > About > View all components.
Via the Registry Editor
- Open the Registry Editor.
Important: Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion
- On the right side, look for the GUID.