
The IMSS is designed to comply with the RFC 2821 specifications, which limits the allowed number of characters on the sender's email address. The imposed limit is hard-coded in IMSS program.

As a workaround, disable the IMSS compliance to RFC:

  1. Make sure that the latest Service Pack for IMSS Windows is installed in your machine.
  2. Open the C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\IMSS\config\tsmtpd.ini file using Notepad or any text editor.
  3. Go to [SmtpServer] section and add the following parameter:


    A value of "0" disables the sender email address length checking while a value of "1" enables this function.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Restart the Trend Micro IMSS SMTP Service.

The RFC 2821 specifies the following rules for the parts of a sender email address:

  • Local part - The maximum total length of a user name or other local part is 64 characters.
  • Domain - The maximum total length of a domain name or number is 255 characters.
  • Path - The maximum total length of a reverse-path or forward-path is 256 characters, including the punctuation and element separators.
  • Command line -The maximum total length of a command line, including the command word, is 512 characters. The SMTP extensions may be used to increase this limit.