This procedure applies only to Security Agents that can connect to the Security Server.

To run a manual update:

  1. Right-click the Security Agent icon on the system tray, and then select Update Now. The Update Now Progress window appears.

    When the update is complete, the following message appears:

    Update Complete

  2. Click Close.

To run a manual update:

  1. On start menu, search for "cmd" for the command prompt.
  2. Right-click on Command Prompt, then select Run as Administrator.
  3. Using Change the directory to the Security Agent installation directory using either of the commands below:
    • For 32-bit: cd C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Agent
    • For 64-bit: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Agent
  4. Type in either of the following commands below:
    • Manual Update: PccNTMon.exe -u
    • Silent Manual Update: PccNTMon.exe -us
  5. Close the command prompt.
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