To resolve this issue, do the following:
  1. Manually install the Trend Micro DSA Filter Driver.
    1. Place the driver under C:\windows\system32\drivers\tbimdsa.sys.
    2. Under Local Area Connection Properties, click Install > Service > Have Disk.
    3. Browse to agent install directory /tbim > any inf file.
  2. Make sure that the DSA service is running.
  3. Check the Network Properties and see if the driver is added to the NIC cards. Open a command prompt and run the following query:
query tbclean tool
  1. If the above steps failed, download and use the tbclean tool (password: novirus) with the -c to clean up after a failed uninstallation.
tbclean-v3 [-v] [-c] [-s]
-c Cleans up install remnants
-s Silently (no prompt) removes install items
-v Turns on the verbose mode
General Notes:
-? Displays this help
  1. Restart the server.
  2. Reinstall the Deep Security Agent, and then reactivate it form the Deep Security Manager.