
If a requested URL cannot be rated by a local database and memory cache search, then the Trend Micro URL Filtering Engine (TMUFE) will request a rating from the Trend Micro Rating Server via an HTTP request with an encrypted message.

TMUFE caches the response from the server to enhance the performance of the in-the-cloud query. Afterwards, TMUFE parses the results and fills then in the returning rating data structure. If the requested URL does not exist in the database, then WRS will return a score of "71" or "Unrated/Unknown" rating (61 before 3/26).

After receiving the rated score from TMUFE, the product will now take the following actions:

  • Blocked: SCORE < Threshold
  • Allowed: SCORE > Threshold

Trend Micro URL Filtering Engine Workflow

Web Reputation Scores

Web Reputation ScoreSafe RatingThreat Details
81~100SafeNo known or potential threats
66~80SuspiciousAssociated with spam or has a history of being compromised
51~65Highly SuspiciousPossibly a phishing page or a potential source of malware or spyware
0~50DangerousPossibly a phishing page or a potential source of malware or spyware
71UntestedUnrated page
Security SettingDescription
HighHigh setting does not block unrated pages unless the “Block pages that have been tested by Trend Micro” option is checked. This is tied up to when the previous option “Send queries to Smart Protection Servers” is unchecked. It also states in the information bubble that agents will not block untested sites if this option is checked.

Blocks pages that are:

  • Verified to be fraudulent or known sources of threats
  • Suspected to be fraudulent or possible sources of threats

Verified to be fraudulent or known sources of threats

Considering that there are more than 35 million URLs in the WRS database, which are rated from machine analysis and human manipulation by different teams, it may be possible that there is a few URL rating errors.

If the IP address is not found in the WRS database or has incorrect rating, then please submit the IP to Trend Micro’s Success Portal.