
On the OfficeScan server

This will enable the Firewall on all platforms:
  1. Look for and open the ofcscan.ini file using a text editor, like Notepad.
  2. Under the [SeviceSwitch] section, change the value of this parameter to "1":


  3. Save and close the file.

On the OfficeScan client

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
    Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
  2. Go to HKLM > Software > TrendMicro > PC-cillinNTCorp > CurrentVersion > ServiceSwitch.
  3. Change the value of the "EnableFirewall" key to "1".
  4. Close the Registry Editor.
  5. Reload the OfficeScan client.
Upon loading, the OfficeScan Firewall will be installed. This may take a while.

By default, the server platform’s OfficeScan agent is "Disable firewall services".

To change it:

  1. Log on to the OfficeScan management console.
  2. Navigate to Networked Computers > Client Management.
  3. Select a client in the client tree.
  4. Click Settings > Additional Service Settings.
  5. Select the checkbox under the Firewall Service section.
  6. Click Save.
If the Firewall Service option doesn't show on the console, please go to Administration > Settings > Product License and enable "Firewall for endpoints". Upon loading, the OfficeScan Firewall will be installed. This may take a while and a server restart might be required.

By default, the server platform’s OfficeScan agent is "Disable firewall services".

To change it:

  1. Log on to the OfficeScan management console.
  2. Navigate to Agent > Agent Management.
  3. In the agent tree, select the agent to act and click Settings > Additional Service Settings.
  4. Tick "Enable service on the following operating systems".
  5. Save and apply.