To disable the debug mode and to stop generating ofcdebug.log files, do the following:
- On the Security Server, open the WFBS console.
- Look for the "Trend Micro" banner on the upper left corner of the console.
- Hover the mouse pointer over the letter "M" and then click it.
This opens the Debug Log Setting window.
- Uncheck Enable debug log.
- Click Save.
- Click Back. The debug is now disabled.
- Check for the C:\ofcdebug.ini file. If present, delete the ofcdebug.ini file and kill the logserver.exe process in Task Manager.
- Go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Log\ofcdebug.log and delete the ofcdebug.log files to free disk space.
If the issue persists, open the Task Manager and stop the logserver.exe process. Perform the above solution again.