Access the Disk Cleaner (TMDiskCleaner.exe) tool from the ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility folder in the Security Server.
You can use the Disk Cleaner through any of the following:
- Double-click the TMDiskCleaner.exe file.
- Click Delete Files to start the cleaning of unused files.
- Once the cleanup process is finished, click Save Log.
In UI mode, all cleaned files cannot be restored.
- Open a command prompt window.
- Run the following command:
TMDiskCleaner.exe [/hide] [/log] [/allowundo]
/hide - Execute tool in the background.
/log - Save the DiskClean.log file to the current folder. This parameter only works when "/hide" is set.
/allowundo - Move files to the Recycle Bin only.
If you want to run the Disk Cleaner in regular intervals, you can use Windows Scheduled Tasks.
- Go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools.
- Double-click on Task Scheduler.
- Click on Task Scheduler Library, then on the right pane, select Create Basic Task.
- Enter the Task Name and Description and click on Next.
- Select the schedule or interval you want, then click on Next.
- Choose Start a Program and click Next.
- Select the TMDiskCleaner.exe program located in ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility, then add some preferred arguments.
/hide - Execute tool in the background.
/log - Save the DiskClean.log file to the current folder. This parameter only works when "/hide" is set.
/allowundo - Move files to the Recycle Bin only.
The following directories will be cleaned:
- <CSA>\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*
- <CSA>\Reserve
- <SS>\PCCSRV\TEMP\* (except hidden files)
- <SS>\PCCSRV\Web\Service\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*
- <SS>\PCCSRV\wss\*.log
- <SS>\PCCSRV\wss\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*
- <SS>\PCCSRV\Backup\*
- <SS>\PCCSRV\Virus\* (Delete quarantined files older than two weeks, except NOTVIRUS file)
- <SS>\PCCSRV\ (keep the latest pattern only)
- <SS>\PCCSRV\lpt$ (keep the latest three patterns only)
- <SS>\PCCSRV\icrc$ (keep the latest three patterns only)
- <SS>\DBBackup\* (keep latest two subfolders only)
- <MSA>\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*
- <MSA>\Debug\*
- <MSA>\engine\vsapi\latest\pattern\*
If the Disk Cleaner Tool was not able to delete the files (except hidden files) under <SS>\PCCSRV\TEMP*, you may delete manually to reclaim disk space.
To delete the contents of the <SS>\PCCSRV\TEMP\, do the following:
- Stop the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service.
- Delete the contents of ..\PCCSRV\TEMP\.
- If the files still cannot be deleted after stopping the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service, try to temporarily unload the agent and try again.
For further assistance contact Trend Micro Technical Support.