
Local New Installation

Do the following:

  1. Check whether the target server has at least 300 MB free disk space.
  2. Make sure that you are using an administrator account.
  3. Make sure that you have a valid Serial Number for installation.
  4. Execute the SPNT58.exe file to start the installation.
  5. Follow the prompts for a successful installation.

Remote New Installation

Do the following:

  1. Check that the remote target machine can be accessed by Hostname/IP via UNC.
  2. Check that the target machine has at least 300 MB free disk space.
  3. Make sure that the administrator account is available for the remote target machine.
  4. Make sure that you have a valid Serial Number.
  5. Use the SPNT58.exe to execute install and select the remote machine when the components install-path page appears.

Silent Installation

Silent installation is only suitable for a new Normal Server installation.

Do the following:

  1. Check that the target machine can be accessed by Hostname/IP via UNC.
  2. On the target machine, set a network mapped driver (for instance, M:\) to point to a folder in the Information Server:

    C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\SMS

  3. Under the C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\SMS folder, open the setup.ini file.
  4. Modify the file and input the Serial Number for the Normal Server in this section and parameter:

    ServerTargetSN = xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

    where "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" is the Serial Number

  5. Open a command prompt to go to drive M:\ and execute this command:

    Setup -SMS -s -m "SPNT5"

The Normal Server will be installation in a few minutes. This Normal Server belongs to the SMS domain, which you can see in the View tree of the management console.