Local New Installation
Do the following:
- Check whether the target server has at least 300 MB free disk space.
- Make sure that you are using an administrator account.
- Make sure that you have a valid Serial Number for installation.
- Execute the SPNT58.exe file to start the installation.
- Follow the prompts for a successful installation.
Remote New Installation
Do the following:
- Check that the remote target machine can be accessed by Hostname/IP via UNC.
- Check that the target machine has at least 300 MB free disk space.
- Make sure that the administrator account is available for the remote target machine.
- Make sure that you have a valid Serial Number.
- Use the SPNT58.exe to execute install and select the remote machine when the components install-path page appears.
Silent Installation
Do the following:
- Check that the target machine can be accessed by Hostname/IP via UNC.
- On the target machine, set a network mapped driver (for instance, M:\) to point to a folder in the Information Server:
C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\SMS
- Under the C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\SMS folder, open the setup.ini file.
- Modify the file and input the Serial Number for the Normal Server in this section and parameter:
ServerTargetSN = xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxwhere "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" is the Serial Number
- Open a command prompt to go to drive M:\ and execute this command:
Setup -SMS -s -m "SPNT5"
The Normal Server will be installation in a few minutes. This Normal Server belongs to the SMS domain, which you can see in the View tree of the management console.