
When moving clients to another OfficeScan server, they will automatically inherit the settings of the parent group or domain. They will not retain their settings from the old OfficeScan server.

To get the server name or IP, server port, and agent port, open the ..\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file in OfficeScan Security Server using a text editor such as Notepad. Note the values of the following entries:

  • Master_DomainName
  • Master_DomainPort
  • Client_LocalServer_Port
  • Master_SSLPort

To move the clients/agents, follow the procedure for your OfficeScan version:

  • Use the IpXfer tool from the newest server. If transferring to a new server, all additional files (e.g. OfcNTCer.dat) should be from the target server.
  • Offline agents cannot be moved, as they need to be able to communicate with the OfficeScan server. For methods that you can use regardless if the two servers can communicate with each other, refer to the following article: Difference of Move Function and Ipxfer in OfficeScan.
  • For 32-bit machines, please use IpXfer.exe. For 64-bit machines, please use IpXfer_x64.exe.
  • To update the agent certificate, follow the procedure pointing back to the same server.
  • To update the agent listening port, follow the procedure pointing back to the same server while changing the agent port (the –c parameter) to the desired port.

To download the IPXfer utility and the ofcntcer.dat:

  1. Log in to the Apex Central Console.
  2. Go to Directories > Product Servers.
  3. Note your Apex One as a Service server name.

    This is the six (6) character name before the

    Product Servers

  4. Use the following links to download the files:
    • https://<your apex one server>
    • https://<your apex one server>
    • https://<your apex one server>
  5. Once you've downloaded the needed files, you can use IPxFer to move the agents to the Apex One SaaS console.

    For example:

    ipxfer_x64.exe -s <your apex one server> -p 80 -sp 443 -e ofcntcer.dat -pwd <unload password>

  1. Go to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Common.
  2. Copy the OfcNTCer.dat file and paste it under the <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\IpXfer directory.
  3. Do one of the following options:
    • Option 1: Run IpXfer.exe locally on the machine:
      1. Go to ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Common.
      2. Copy the OfcNTCer.dat file and paste it under the ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\IpXfer directory.
      3. Go to ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ipXfer directory on the OfficeScan server and locate the IpXfer.exe and IpXfer_x64.exe files.
      4. Copy the IpXfer.exe, IpXfer_x64.exe, and the OfcNTCer.dat file to a specific folder on the agent to be transferred.
      5. Go to the folder where the files were copied.
      6. Run the following (assuming 64-bit):

        IpXfer_x64.exe -s < Target server name or IP> -p <server HTTP port> -sp <server HTTPS port> -c <agent port> -e OfcNTCer.dat -pwd <agent unload password>

        As of OfficeScan XG SP1, agent communication with the server moves to the server’s HTTPS port. Thus, there is an additional parameter of –sp for the server’s HTTPS port. By default, this port is 4343. Below is an example:

        IpXfer_x64.exe -s oscexg.contoso.local -p 8080 –sp 4343 -c 12345 –e OfcNTCer.dat -pwd P@ssw0rd

    • Option 2: Use the UNC path of IpXfer in the server:
      1. On the agent machine that you want to transfer, open the Run window.
      2. Enter the UNC path of the IpXfer.exe/IpXfer_x64.exe file on the old OfficeScan server using the shared folder, ofcscan (example assumes 64-bit agent). As of OfficeScan XG SP1, agent communication with the server moves to the server’s HTTPS port. Thus, there is an additional parameter of –sp for the server’s HTTPS port. By default, this port is 4343:

        \\<server name or IP>\ofcscan\admin\utility\ipxfer\ipxfer_x64.exe -s <Target server name or IP> -p <server HTTP port> -sp <server HTTPS port> -c <agent port> -e \\<target server name or IP>\ofcscan\PCCNT\Common\OfcNTCer.dat -pwd <agent unload password>

        For example:

        \\OSCEXG\ofcscan\admin\utility\ipxfer\ipxfer_x64.exe -s oscexg.contoso.local -p 8080 –sp 4343 -c 12345 -e
        \\OSCEXG\ofcscan\PCCNT\Common\OfcNTCer.dat -pwd P@ssw0rd

Option 1: Run IpXfer.exe locally on the machine

  1. Go to ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Common.
  2. Copy the OfcNTCer.dat file and paste it under the ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\IpXfer directory.
  3. Go to ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ipXfer directory on the OfficeScan server and locate the IpXfer.exe and IpXfer_x64.exe files.
  4. Copy the IpXfer.exe, IpXfer_x64.exe, and the OfcNTCer.dat file to a specific folder on the agent to be transferred.
  5. Go to the folder where the files were copied.
  6. Run the following (assuming 64-bit):

    IpXfer_x64.exe -s <Target server name or IP> -p <server port> -c <agent port> -e OfcNTCer.dat –p <Unload Password>

    For example:

    IpXfer_x64.exe -s osce.contoso.local -p 8080 -c 12345 –e OfcNTCer.dat –p Password1

Option 2: Use the UNC path of IpXfer in the server

  1. On the agent machine that you want to transfer, open the Run window.
  2. Enter the UNC path of the IpXfer.exe/IpXfer_x64.exe file using the shared folder, ofcscan:

    \\<server name or IP>\ofcscan\admin\utility\ipxfer\ipxfer.exe -s <server FQDN or IP> –p <server HTTP port> -c <agent port> -e \\<server name or IP>\ofcscan\PCCNT\Common\OfcNTCer.dat –p <unload password>

    For example:

    \\OSCE11\ofcscan\admin\utility\ipxfer\ipxfer.exe -s osce11.contoso.local -p 8080 -c 12345 -e
    \\OSCE11\ofcscan\PCCNT\Common\OfcNTCer.dat -p Password1

Version 11 of IPXfer does not support the pwd parameter.
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