
After changing the server's IP address or hostname:

  1. Stop the OfficeScan Master Service.
    1. Click Start > Run >  then type "services.msc". The Services window will open.
    2. Right-click OfficeScan Master Service and select Stop.
  2. Back up the following files:
    • ...\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini
    • ...\PCCSRV\OfUninst.ini
    • ...\PCCSRV\OSCE Web console(short cut)
    • ...\PCCSRV\Private\ofcserver.ini
    • ...\PCCSRV\Private\Saf\ssnotify.ini
    • ...\PCCSRV\sscfg.ini
    • ...\PCCSRV\Admin\ssnotify.ini
    • ...\PCCSRV\Apache2\conf\Httpd.conf
    • ...\PCCSRV\WSS\service.ini
  3. Open the ofcscan.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:

    MasterDirectory=\\%NEW IP or Hostname%\ofcscan
    Master_DomainName=%NEW IP or Hostname%

    [Scan Now Configuration]
    MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
    CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%

    [Real Time Scan Configuration]
    MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
    CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%

    [Manual Scan Configuration]
    MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
    CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%

    [Prescheduled Scan Configuration]
    MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
    CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%

  4. Open the OfUninst.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:

    InstallServer=\\%NEW IP or Hostname%
    MasterDirectory=\\%NEW IP or Hostname%\ofcscan
    InstallWorkStation=%NEW IP or Hostname%
    ProgramGroup=Trend Micro OfficeScan Server-%NEW IP or Hostname%

  5. Open the OfcServer.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:

    ------------------------ SQL Server only ----------------------------
    Server=%NEW IP or Hostname%\OfficeScan

    OSCE_URL=https:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:4343/officescan/default.htm

    WSS_URL=https:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:4343/tmcss/
    WSS_HTTP_URL=http:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/tmcss/

    LWCS_HTTP_URL=http:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/

    HOST_NAME=%NEW Hostname%
    IP1=% NEW IP%

  6. Open the sscfg.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:

    Local_ScanService=http:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/tmcss/
    Local_WebScanService=http:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/

  7. Open the ssnotify.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:

    Local_ScanService=http:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/tmcss/
    Local_WebScanService=http:// %NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/

    Please update in both ...\PCCSRV\Private\Saf\ssnotify.ini and ...\PCCSRV\Admin\ssnotify.ini.

  8. Open the service.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:

    HTTPS_CERT=%NEW IP or Hostname%

  9. Modify the shortcut file OfficeScan Web Console (HTML):
    1. Open the properties of ...\PCCSRV\OSCE Web console (HTML):

      [Web Document]
      URL=https://%NEW IP or Hostname%:4343/officescan/ or
      URL=https://%NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/officescan/ (if SSL is not enabled)

    2. Open the properties of OSCE Web console (HTML) on desktop:

      Target= “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\ iexplore.exe” https://%NEW IP or Hostname%:4343/officescan/ or
      URL= “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\ iexplore.exe” https://%NEW IP or Hostname%:8080/officescan/ (if SSL is not enabled)

  10. Modify the shortcut in the start menu:
    1. Open the properties of OfficeScan Web console (HTML) in Windows start menu:

      Target = “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\ iexplore.exe” OSCE server<%NEW IP or Hostname%>

    2. Open the properties of readme link in Windows start menu:

      Target=\\<%New IP or Hostname%>\ofcscan\readme.htm

    3. Open the properties of system logon script in Windows start menu:

      Target=\\<%NEW IP or Hostname%>\ofcscan\SetupUsr.exe

  11. Modify following registry key:


    Modify the following key:

    InstallServer = <%NEW IP or Hostname%>
    MasterDirectory = <%NEW IP or Hostname%>\ofcscan

    Modify following key:

    Alias_Path=\\<%NEW IP or Hostname%>\ofcscan\

  12. Turn off iProduct server services. Update the following iProduct server configuration:

    For Apex One Application Control

    • Update config.xml file in ~\iServiceSrv\iAC\ folder. In config.xml, it needs to update correct “server address” section in the file, <server_address></server_address>

      Module state

    For Apex One Vulnerability Protection

    • Update file in ~\iServiceSrv\iVP\ folder. In the file, update “” for correct server name.

      Module state

    For Apex One Endpoint Sensor

    1. Update config.xml in ~\iServiceSrv\iES\ folder. To update the both values of (under) with newly configured Apex One server IP address like the following:

      Module state

    2. Update SQL setting. Replace xxxxxx (below) with the newly configured Apex One server IP:

      update dbo.Setting
      set [value] = 'xxxxxx'
      where id in (1054274134996218767,5460136335170862648)

  13. Turn on iProduct server services.
  14. Save the changes.
  15. Restart the Apex One Master Service and then log into the Apex One web console.