When autopcc is executed, it performs the following:
- Checks the platform it is running on. When running on a Windows NT-based client/agent, it starts autopccp.exe
- Checks if the Apex One agent is installed on the computer by checking either of the following registry keys:
- For 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp
- For 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Trend Micro\PC-cillinNTCorp
- If the registry key exists, it checks the value of the following registry key which indicates the Apex One agent folder, then verifies if the folder exists.
- For 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\Application Path
- For 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Trend Micro\PC-cillinNTCorp\Application Path
- If the registry key does not exist, it runs ..\PCCSRV\Pccnt\disk1\install.exe to install the Apex One agent program.
- If the Apex One agent is already installed, it checks the Apex One server for the timestamp of each file listed in ..\PCCSRV\Autopcc.cfg\ApNT.ini or Ap95.ini, then compares it with the client.
- If the server files have a newer timestamp, the files are copied to the agent. This can be used to repair an Apex One agent.
- If, during the update process, Apex One tries to overwrite a file that is in use, it gets a fail return code and the whole autopcc process is aborted.