
To manually uninstall SMID:

  1. Stop all the SMID services.
  2. Go to C:\Windows and open the smdsys.ini file using a text editor.
    This file includes the following information necessary for the succeeding steps:
    • DomSvr0DominoBinPath=
    • DomSvr0DataPath=
    • DomSvr0NotesIniPath=
    • ProductPath=
    • ProductID=
  3. Go to the folder path specified in the "DomSvr0DominoBinPath=" parameter and delete the following files:
    • nSMDext.dll
    • nSMDemf.exe
    • nSMDreal.exe
    • nSMDsch.exe
    • nSMDmon.exe
    • nSMDdbs.exe
    • nSMDupd.exe
    • nSMDsupp.exe
    • ndbsetup.exe
    • ndbmigrate25.exe
    • ndbmigrate26.exe
    • nsmlnredID.dll
    If these files could not be deleted, try to unregister these first using the regsrvr32.exe command. To use this command, refer to this Microsoft article: Explanation of Regsvr32 usage and error messages.
  4. Go to the folder specified in the "DomSvr0DataPath=" parameter and delete the following folders:
    • \smd
    • \SMDTemp
  5. Open the notes.ini file using a text editor. This file is located in the path specified in the "DomSvr0NotesIniPath=" parameter.
  6. Under the "ServerTasks=" section, delete the following items:
    • SMDemf
    • SMDreal
    • SMDsch
    • SMDmon
    • smtopmail
  7. Delete the "SMDext" item under the "EXTMGR_ADDINS=" section.
  8. Look for the "ScanMailInstallPath=" section and delete the whole line, including the file path.
  9. Save the changes in the notes.ini file.
  10. Delete the smd.ini file located in the path specified in the "DomSvr0DominoBinPath=" parameter.
  11. Delete the folder specified in "ProductPath=". This folder contains other ScanMail files, including the pattern files and scan engine for VSAPI and Trend Micro Anti-Spam.
  12. On the Windows platform, open the Registry Editor.
    Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
  13. Delete this uninstall key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Uninstall\$(ProductID)

  14. For the Product ID, substitute the value for "ProductID=" in smdsys.ini.
  15. Delete this ScanMail product key from the Registry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\ScanMail for Domino

  16. Delete the Trend Micro ScanMail for IBM Domino folder from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs. This removes the ScanMail program folder from the Start menu.
  17. Go back to the smdsys.ini file and close it. After closing, delete the file.
  18. On the Windows platform, go to C:\ and delete smdins.log.
  19. Restart the Windows host machine.

If you encountered issues in uninstalling SMID, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.