The table below shows the Active Update errors and their descriptions.
Error code | Description |
0 - TmuStatus_SUCCESS | Success. |
1 - TmuStatus_REBOOT | Please reboot the computer to overwrite in-use system files. |
4 - TmuStatus_NO_UPDATE_NEEDED | The pattern/scan engine/program are all current and there are no newer versions to update. |
5 - TmuStatus_ROLLBACK_NOT_AVAILABLE | This product cannot be rolled back. Backup files are either missing or corrupt. |
6 - TmuStatus_NO_DUPLICATE_NEEDED | The pattern/scan engine/program are all current and there are no newer versions to duplicate. |
7 - TmuStatus_UPDATE_FAIL | Update failure. Active Update did not receive a return code from the patch process. |
8 - TmuStatus_ROLLBACK_FAIL | Rollback failure. Active Update did not receive a return code from the patch process. |
10 - TmuError_USER_CANCEL | Press the Cancel button to close the status window. |
12 - TmuError_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid parameter. |
13 - TmuError_INVALID_PRODUCT_INFO | No update source or insufficient product information. |
14 - TmuError_INVALID_SOURCE_INFO | Insufficient update or duplicate source information. |
15 - TmuError_INVALID_DEST_INFO | Insufficient destination information. |
16 - TmuError_DISK_ACCESS_FAIL | Creating or deleting directory under the destination directory failed. |
17 - TmuError_COPY_FILE_FAIL | Copying or moving files to the destination directory failed. |
18 - TmuError_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE | Download source (HTTP) is not available. |
19 - TmuError_CANNOT_CREATE_PROCESS | Local execution failed. |
20 - TmuError_CANNOT_COPY_SERVICE_FILE | Cannot copy service to remote computer. |
21 - TmuError_CANNOT_RUN_SERVICE | Installing or running the service failed on remote computer. |
22 - TmuError_CANNOT_REMOVE_SERVICE | Removing or deleting the service failed on remote computer. |
23 - TmuError_CANNOT_ACT_ON_REMOTE_REGISTRY | Reading, writing, or opening the registry failed on remote computer. |
24 - TmuError_UNZIP | Decompressing the file failed. |
25 - TmuStatus_NO_WAITING_RESULT | Module execution started but did not wait for result. |
26 - TmuStatus_HTTP_TIMEOUT | HTTP timeout. |
27 - TmuError_HTTP_AUTH_FAIL | HTTP authentication failed. |
28 - TmuError_SRC_GENERIC_NETWORK | Generic failure on source network. Unable to connect to the network. Check network functionality. |
29 - TmuError_DEST_GENERIC_NETWORK | Generic failure on destination network. Unable to connect to the destination. |
43 - TmuError_HTTP_PROTOCOL | Only HTTP Protocol is acceptable. |
44 - TmuError_HTTP_CLIENT_READ | Error occured during receiving data on client side. |
45 - TmuError_PREPARE_PATCH | Error in prepare patch program. |
46 - TmuError_MERGE_PATTERN | Error in merge incremental pattern. |
47 - TmuError_INVALID_ZIP | Invalid *.zip file. Size is different from that indicated in server.ini. |
49 - TmuStatus_RELOAD | Reload ActiveUpdate. |
50 - TmuError_MD5 | MD5 checksum error. It does not match the checksum given in server.ini. |
51 - TmuError_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE | Invalid digital signature in the download. |
52 - TmuError_RELOAD_AU | Reloading of Active Update module was unsuccessful. |
53 - TmuError_LOAD_AU | Loading of Active Update module was unsuccessful. |
54 - TmuError_BAD_SERVERINI | Could not download server.ini or xml equivalent. |
55 - TmuError_WWW_AUTH | WWW authorization was unsuccessful. Check the user and password provided. |
56 - TmuError_PROXY_AUTH | Proxy authentication was unsuccessful. Check the user and password provided. |
57 - TmuError_INIT_AUPATCH | Active Update was unable to initiate the patch process. Maybe some patch files are missing. Retry the whole update after removing any cached files. |
58 - TmuError_DEST_GENERIC | Active Update was unable to create/delete/overwrite files in the final destination folder. Check permissions. |
59 - TmuStatus_ENGINE_OUTOFDATE | Scan engine update needed to best utilize a pattern file update. |
60 - TmuError_PATCHAGENT_ERROR | Active Update was terminated due to patch failure. |
61 - TmuError_MAXCODE | Max code for Active Update. |
62 - ActiveUpdate was unable to verify security information | The local trusted information database is corrupted. |
For more information, refer the to the list of AU Return Codes.