
The "Update already in progress. Please wait." status normally appears when you try to run a manual update on the Security Server console at the same time that the scheduled update is running.

The status message becomes an issue only when the Security Server seems to display it all the time, which can happen when the Security Server cannot download updates for some reason. As a result, the Security Server keeps trying to update.

To verify if the Security Server is unable to download updates:

  1. Log in to the WFBS console.
  2. Go to Reports > Log Query.
  3. Under Type section, select Management console event.
  4. Under Content section, select Update.
  5. Click Display Logs. You will see the "Failed" results in the Event's Update Report.

Once you have verified that the Security Server cannot download updates, do the following:

  1. Run the Disk Cleaner Tool to delete possible corrupted pattern files or update components in the Security Server's cache. Refer to this KB article:

    Using the WFBS Disk Cleaner Tool to free up space and resolve update issues

  2. Follow any of the procedures in this article:

    Security Server does not update or cannot connect to the Trend Micro server for WFBS updates