
There are various scenarios that you need to consider before recreating virtual directories for OfficeScan. Select the scenario that fits you.

This procedure will not recreate Local Web Classifications Server or Smart Scan Server (Integrated) websites. If you want to have these websites, then proceed to Item B.
  1. Remove the OfficeScan website from IIS via IIS Manager.
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the ..\PCCSRV folder.
  3. Run these commands:

    Svrsvcsetup.exe -setvirdir
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -setprivilege
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -enablessl (This is optional if SSL is enabled.)

  4. Log on to the OfficeScan management console.

Disregard this procedure if you are using Intrusion Defense Firewall (IDF) and Apache for web server to prevent OSCE Master Service from not being created.

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
    Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
  2. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan], right-click on it, and then select Export to export the registry entry to TrendOfficeScan.reg.
    For 64-bit OfficeScan server, the registry is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\OfficeScan].
  3. Close the Registry Editor.
  4. Open a command prompt and navigate to the ..\PCCSRV folder.
  5. Go back to the command prompt and type the following:
    Compared to "-uninstall", using "-uninstall_regen" will not uninstall the Apache web server. This also prevents issues where Ofcservice.exe is not reinstalled. "-enablessl" is optional if SSL is enabled.

    Svrsvcsetup.exe -BackupAosReg
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -uninstall_regen
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -install
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -setprivilege
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -enablessl
    Svrsvcsetup.exe -RestoreAosReg

  6. Restart the Officescan Plug-in Manager service.
  7. Start the OfficeScan Master Service (if stopped).
  8. Log on to the OfficeScan management console.

    When the OfficeScan server version is above 11.0 Service Pack 1, the dashboard of the management console may not display normally after running the above commands. The PHP errors shown below will occur (when using IE browser) or prompt to download index.php (when using Chrome).

    OSCE management console

  9. Please add the Handler Mappings "PHP_ZIP_VIA_FASTCGI":
    1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) console and navigate to the OfficeScan website.
    2. Double-click the Handler Mappings option (in Feature View).
    3. On the Handler Mappings page, right-click and select "add Module Mapping..."

      Request Path : *.php
      Module : FastCgiModule
      Executable : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\PLM\PHP\php-cgi.exe" (depends on the real path in customer's environment )

    4. Click on Request Restrictions.
    5. Select "File or folder" for Mapping
    6. Select "Script" for Access
    7. Click OK to save all the configuration.
  10. Log on to the OfficeScan management console again for verification.
  1. Open Command Prompt (with Administrator privileges), and go to the IIS service folder using the command below:
    cd %windir%\system32\inetsrv
  2. Execute the commands below one at a time to recreate the Application Control and Vulnerability Protection Services:
    appcmd add app /"OfficeScan" /path:"/officescan_iac" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iAC\Web\ACServerWebApp" /applicationPool:"OfficeScan_iAC_AppPool"
    appcmd add app /"OfficeScan" /path:"/officescan_iac/osf" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iAC\Web\OSFChannel" /applicationPool:"OfficeScan_iAC_AppPool"
    appcmd add app /"OfficeScan" /path:"/officescan_ivp" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iVP\Web" /applicationPool:"OfficeScan_iVP_AppPool"
  3. Execute the commands below to recreate the Endpoint Sensor Service:
    appcmd add app /"OfficeScan" /path:"/officescan_iesconsole" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iES\Web\ConsoleChannel" /applicationPool:"OfficeScan_iESConsole_AppPool"
    appcmd add app /"OfficeScan" /path:"/officescan_iesagent" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iES\Web\FastLaneChannel" /applicationPool:"OfficeScan_iESAgent_AppPool"
    appcmd add app /"OfficeScan" /path:"/officescan_iesconsole/osf" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iES\Web\OSFChannel" /applicationPool:"OfficeScan_iESConsole_AppPool"
The physical path might need to be adjusted based on the one at your end.
The application pools ("OfficeScan_iVP_AppPool" & "OfficeScan_iAC_AppPool") should be created and started before the steps.