
Deep Security Manager

4118 (TCP)From Manager to AgentAgents listening port. Manager-to-Agent communication.
4120 (TCP)From the Agent to ManagerThe "heartbeat" port, used by Deep Security Agents and Appliances to communicate with the Deep Security Manager.
4119 (TCP)Going to Deep Security Manager consoleUsed by your browser to connect to Deep Security Manager. Also used for Deep Security Relay to retrieve software packages from Deep Security Manager.
443 (TCP)From Manager to VMware vCenter, ESXi Host, vCloud Director, vShield/NSX Manager, AWS ServerUsed to communicate with ESXi (DSVA Deployment), vCloud Director, vCenter and vShield/NSX Manager. Used also to retrieve list of computers from Amazon Web Services (AWS).
25 (TCP)From Manager to SMTP serverCommunication to an SMTP server to send email alerts (configurable: DSM > Administration > System Settings > SMTP).
53 (TCP)From Manager to DNSFor DNS lookup
389, 636 (TCP)Manager to LDAP serverConnection to an LDAP Server for Active Directory integration (configurable: DSM > Computers > Computers (right-click) > Add Directory wizard). 389 for Non SSL / 636 for SSL.

Deep Security Agent/Virtual Appliance

4118 (TCP)From Manager to Agent/ApplianceManager-to Agent/Appliance-communication. Agent/Appliance's listening port.
4120 (TCP)From Agent/Appliance to ManagerThe "heartbeat" port, used by Deep Security Agents and Appliances to communicate with the Deep Security Manager.
5274 (TCP)OutgoingConnection to Local Web Reputation Server
80/443 (TCP)OutgoingConnection to Global Web Reputation Server,Global File Reputation Server and Local File Reputation Server

Deep Security Relay

4118 (TCP)From Manager to the RelayDeep Security Manager sends commands to Deep Security Relay.
4122 (TCP)From Manager/Agent to the RelayRelay listening port. Manager to Relay communication for retrieving components, and Agent/Appliance retrieve updatable components
80 and 443 (TCP)From Relay to InternetiAU Security Updates

Database Communication

1433 (TCP)Bi-directionalMicrosoft SQL server
1521 (TCP)Bi-directionalOracle SQL Server

Syslog Communication

514 (UDP)Manager-InitiatedCommunication with Syslog server. (Configurable: DSM > Administration > System Settings > SIEM).

Control Manager (TMCM) Communication

80 or 443Outgoing destination portConnection with TMCM
4119Source port from DSMConnection with TMCM

For more information, refer to this Deep Security Help Center article: Port numbers, URLs, and IP addresses.