
To recreate the SMEX website:

  1. Create the website “SMEX Web Site”:
    1. Input “[SMEX Home Directory]\web” as physical path.
    2. Select “DefaultAppPool” as Application pool.
    3. If http is selected, the port is 16372 If https, the port is 16373.
    4. Click OK.


  2. Create Application “smex” under “SMEX Web Site”:
    1. Right-click SMEX Web Site.
    2. Click Add Application.
    3. Input “[SMEX Home Directory]\web” as physical path.
    4. Click OK.


  3. Configuration application “smex”:
    1. Select “smex” application in the tree view.
    2. In the left feature view list, select Handler Mapping.
    3. Right-click in the pop up menu and select Edit feature permissions.
    4. Select Read, Script and Execute in the Edit feature permissions dialog.
    5. Click OK and make sure CGI-exe and ISAPI-dll are enabled on the list.

    step 3

  4. Create Virtual Directory “Report”:
    1. Right-click the “smex” application.
    2. Click Add Virtual Directory.
    3. Input “[SMEX Home Directory]\web” as physical path.
    4. Input “report-[Computer Name]” as alias.
    5. Click OK.

    step 4

  5. Add SMEX Server CGI and ISAPI Restrictions:
    1. Select the current IIS server in the tree view.
    2. In the left feature view list, select Server CGI and ISAPI Restrictions
    3. Right-click in the pop up menu and select Add.
    4. Input “[SMEX Home Directory]\web\cgiDispatcher.exe” as CGI path.
    5. Select the checkbox “Allow extension path to execute”.
    6. Follow the same steps to add “[SMEX Home Directory]\web\cgiCmdNotify.exe” to the restrictions.

    step 5

  6. Set default document for SMEX web site:
    1. Go to [SMEX Home Directory]\web, and create a new file named "web.config".
    2. Open web.config via Notepad, and add the following contents:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                      <remove value="default" />
                      <remove value="iisstart.htm" />
                      <remove value="index.html" />
                      <remove value="index.htm" />
                      <remove value="Default.asp" />
                      <remove value="Default.htm" />
                      <remove value="login.htm" />
                      <add value="login.htm" />
              <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Execute, Script" />

    3. Save the file.
    4. Open IIS manager, select “smex” application under SMEX web site in the tree view.
    5. In the left feature view list, double click Default Document.
    6. Confirm the default document file is login.htm.

    step 6

  7. Open SMEX Web console via Internet Explorer, using the URL:
