
Apex One clients are not updated or upgraded because of several reasons. These can be confirmed by checking the following:

  • Ensure that the following settings are enabled:
    1. Log in to the Apex One web console.
    2. Go to Agents > Agent Management > Select the domain group of the clients that need to be upgraded.
      Trend Micro recommends performing the client upgrade in batches or by groups to avoid network congestion.
    3. Click Setting > Privileges and Other Settings > Other Settings.

      Make sure "All components (including hotfixes and the agent program)" under "Security Agents only update the following components" is selected.

      OfficeScan XG SP1 and Apex One Priveleges

      For Apex One as a Service:

      Go to Apex Central web console > Policies > Policy Management > Policy Name > Under Agent Configuration select Privileges and Other Settings

      Apex One as a service settings

  • On agent side, please do the following check:
    Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
    1. Open the Registry Editor.
    2. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc].
    3. Make sure the value of NoProgramUpgrade is "0".

If you have implemented Update Agents to host a program or hot fix, make sure that the client's IP is within the range of the IP Address:

You can check the agent icon from the web console to see which agent acts as an update agent. See Icons and their meanings in Apex One.
  1. Open the Apex One web console.
  2. Go to Updates > Agents > Update Source.
  3. Review if the client IP is within the range of the IP Range section.
    • Check if the Update Agent is hosting a program or hot fix:
      1. Open the Apex One web console.
      2. Go to Agents > Agent Management.
      3. Select the client that acts as an Update Agent then highlight it.
      4. Click Settings > Update Agent settings.
      5. Check if the "Security agent programs and hot fixes" option is enabled. If it is enabled, then the Update Agent is hosting program or hot fix updates.
    • Check the global update setting of the Update Agent:
      1. Open the Apex One web console.
      2. Go to Updates > Agents > Update Source.
      3. Make sure "Security agent programs and hot fixes" is ticked.

If the server console settings was ticked but the agent still isn't able to get updates, check the following registry hive:


Update Agent

  1. Unload the Security Agent on the affected machine to gain write permission on the registry directory.
  2. Change the values of the following:

    UpdateAgent = 0
    Update_Agent_Direct_Update =0

  3. Reboot the machine and verify if it is now able to update successfully.

If the issue persists, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support.

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