The server0.log file is the main log output for errors and activities in the DSM.
Enable debug using the following steps:
- Stop the Deep Security Manager service.
- Open the file under:
For Windows: ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\lib\
For Linux: /opt/dsm/jre/lib - Add one or more of the debug options enumerated below, depending on the issue you encountered. We recommend adding the lines to the last part of the file for easy monitoring and maintenance.
- Save the changes and close the file.
- Start the DSM service.
Here are the debugging options:
Option 1: UI Related Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.screens.level=ALL
Option 2: Configuration and Protocol Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.screens.level=ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.protocol.session.CommandProtocolSession.level=ALL
Option 3: Scan Management Issues
Command.level=ALL -
CommandGetStatusEvents.level=ALL - com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.db.AgentEventPeer.level=ALL
Option 4: Anti-Malware Scan Issues
AgentSync.level=FINE - com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.db.AgentEventPeer.level=FINE
Option 5: All screens, including Wizard-related Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.screens.level = ALL
Option 6: vCenter-related Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.virtual.level=ALL
com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.virtualization.vmware.level = ALL
Option 7: Database-related Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.persistence1.level = ALL
Option 8: Startup Information Logging
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.initialization.level = ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.Core = ALL
Option 9: Host Updater Job (including agent security configuration XML) Debugging
Option 10: Agent Communication Protocol Logging
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.protocol.level = ALL
Option 11: Detection Engine (ie Recommendation Scans) Logging
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.detectionengine.level=ALL
Option 12: Manager Job-related Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.jobschedulers.HostJobScheduler.level=ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.JobQueuingThread.level=ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.JobCreationThread.level=ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.ManagerJobs.level=ALL
Option 13: AD Synchronization Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.util.UserUtilities.level=ALL
Option 14: Dashboard Bean Performance Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.screens.DashboardBean.level=ALL
com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.ScreenServlet.level=ALL (to replace the preceding bullet)
Option 15: Active Update Issues
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.webclient.ActiveUpdateServlet.level=ALL
The entry "" is for the Vulnerability Protection Active Update folder, which is new in Deep Security 9.6.
Option 16: Maintenance Job and Entity Purge-related Issues
- com.trendmicro.ds.integrity.db.EntityPeer.level=ALL
Option 17: Enable ALL Logging on the manager
- com.thirdbrigade.level = ALL
Option 18: Job Load and Performance Profile related
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.JobQueuingThread.level=ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.JobLoad.level=ALL
Option 19: NSX syncing related logging
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.virtual.NSXSync.level=ALL
Option 20: Rehoming
Option 21: AMI Baking Support
Option 22: CTD jobs
- Com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.jobschedulers.SuspiciousFileSubmission.Job.level=ALL
- Com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.scheduler.jobschedulers.DDAnReportQueryJob.level=ALL
Option 23: DDAn API
- Com.trendmicro.manager.core.ddan.level=ALL
Option 24: CTD AM
- Com.trendmicro.ds.antimalware.ctd.level=ALL
- Com.trendmicro.ds.antimalware.models.AntiMalwareQuarantinedFilesWizardDean.level=ALL
Option 25: Enable ALL Logging on the manager
- com.thirdbrigade.level = ALL
Option 26: MDR debug DSM not sending to TIC/LUWAK
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.notifications.AbstractTicSender.level = ALL
- com.thirdbrigade.manager.core.util.TICClient.level = ALL
After enabling the DSM debug level, you can perform the following upon encountering an issue:
- Replicate the issue.
- Collect the new diagnostic package from the DSM server. For the procedure, refer to this KB article: Creating the Deep Security diagnostic package.
- Send the diagnostic package to Trend Micro Technical Support.
To disable debugging:
- Go to %ProgramFiles%\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\lib\
- Remove the statements added to the end of the log.
- Restart the Deep Security Manager service.