
To install the TMSM:

  1. Log on to the WFBS console.
  2. Go to Administration > Plug-Ins.

    If you are asked to download and install the Plug-in Manager, refer to this article: Installing the Trend Micro Security for MAC (TMSM) Plug-In.

  3. Under Trend Micro Security (for Mac), select Manage Program.

    If Manage Program is grayed out, refer to this article: Installing the Trend Micro Security for MAC (TMSM) Plug-In.

  4. Click Administration > Client Setup Files.
  5. Click Download Installation File.
  6. Unzip the zip file and extract its contents.
  7. Run the tmsminstall.mpkg installer on your Mac client.

    Your Mac computer should be connected to the Security Server to register.