
In reinstalling TMCM/Apex Central™, you have two options:

Option 1: Reinstalling TMCM with backup files

If backup files are available, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the old server is offline.
  2. Open the backup TMI.cfg and look for the HostID setting.


  3. Take note of the "HostID" value. 
  4. Prepare a new server with the same IP address and hostname as the old server.  If the server has a DNS alias, make sure to configure this as well.
  5. Before installing TMCM/Apex Central™, manually create ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\ directory and move the CmKeyBackup file in this location.
  6. Run the Control Manager/Apex Central™ installer.
  7. Follow the steps until you reach the section where the IP address and Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) will be set.

    Security Level and Host Address

  8. Make sure that the IP address or FQDN are set to the same values found on the backup TMI.cfg.
  9. Continue until you are asked to specify the database.

    Setup Control Manager Database

  10. Create a new database. You will migrate the old database in the later steps.
  11. Continue with the installation until the end.
  12. Install the latest patches and hotfixes that were installed on the previous Control Manager server.
  13. After the installation, stop the following services:
    • Trend Micro Control Manager service
    • Trend Micro Management Infrastructure service
    • Trend Micro Common CGI Service
    • World Wide Web Service
  14. Restore the following files from the backup:
    • \Control Manager\ProductClass folder
    • \Common\TMI\Profile folder
    • \Control Manager\ProductInfos.xml file
    • \Control Manager\StringTable.xml file
    • \Control Manager\IDMapping.xml
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\Webapp\App_Data\ProductInfos.xml file
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\Webapp\App_Data\StringTable.xml file
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\IDMapping.xml file
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\exports folder
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\exports folder
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\reports folder
    • \Control Manager\WebUI\ProductUI folder
  15. Use the DBConfig tool to configure Control Manager to use the old Control Manager database.
    The DBConfig tool is located in <install_dir>\DBConfig folder.

Option 2: Reinstalling TMCM without backup files

In this case, do the following:

  1. Install a new Control Manager server.
  2. Install the same patches and hotfix on this Control Manager server.
  3. Use the DBConfig tool to point the Control Manager to your SQL database.
  4. For MCP-based agents, manually configure the Agents again using the Product console to point to the new Control Manager server.