In reinstalling TMCM/Apex Central™, you have two options:
Option 1: Reinstalling TMCM with backup files
If backup files are available, do the following:
- Make sure that the old server is offline.
- Open the backup TMI.cfg and look for the HostID setting.
- Take note of the "HostID" value.
- Prepare a new server with the same IP address and hostname as the old server. If the server has a DNS alias, make sure to configure this as well.
- Before installing TMCM/Apex Central™, manually create ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\ directory and move the CmKeyBackup file in this location.
- Run the Control Manager/Apex Central™ installer.
- Follow the steps until you reach the section where the IP address and Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) will be set.
- Make sure that the IP address or FQDN are set to the same values found on the backup TMI.cfg.
- Continue until you are asked to specify the database.
- Create a new database. You will migrate the old database in the later steps.
- Continue with the installation until the end.
- Install the latest patches and hotfixes that were installed on the previous Control Manager server.
- After the installation, stop the following services:
- Trend Micro Control Manager service
- Trend Micro Management Infrastructure service
- Trend Micro Common CGI Service
- World Wide Web Service
- Restore the following files from the backup:
- \Control Manager\ProductClass folder
- \Common\TMI\Profile folder
- \Control Manager\ProductInfos.xml file
- \Control Manager\StringTable.xml file
- \Control Manager\IDMapping.xml
- \Control Manager\WebUI\Webapp\App_Data\ProductInfos.xml file
- \Control Manager\WebUI\Webapp\App_Data\StringTable.xml file
- \Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\IDMapping.xml file
- \Control Manager\WebUI\exports folder
- \Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\exports folder
- \Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\reports folder
- \Control Manager\WebUI\ProductUI folder
- Use the DBConfig tool to configure Control Manager to use the old Control Manager database.
The DBConfig tool is located in <install_dir>\DBConfig folder.
Option 2: Reinstalling TMCM without backup files
In this case, do the following:
- Install a new Control Manager server.
- Install the same patches and hotfix on this Control Manager server.
- Use the DBConfig tool to point the Control Manager to your SQL database.
- For MCP-based agents, manually configure the Agents again using the Product console to point to the new Control Manager server.