
The following ports should be open in order for the TMMS to communicate properly in your network:

  • Management Server communicates to Communication Server on Port 8189 and 8190.
  • Management Server Communicates to SQL Server on ports 1433 (TCP) and 1434 (UDP).
  • Communication Server communicates to SQL Server on ports 1433 (TCP) and 1434 (UDP).
  • Management Server communicates to Domain Controller (DC) / Global Catalog (GC) either on port 389 (LDAP) or 3268 (UDP). Users used to communicate to DC / GC need at least read access.
  • Port 80 and 443 are used by mobile devices to connect to the TMMS server.
  • Management Server Communicates to SQL Server on ports 1433 (TCP) and 1434 (UDP).
  • Management Server Communicates to CCS using the following FQDN:
  • Management Server communicates to Domain Controller (DC) / Global Catalog (GC) either on port 389 (LDAP) or 3268 (UDP). Users used to communicate to DC / GC needs at least read access.
  • Port 443 is used by mobile devices to connect to CCS.
  • Management Server Communicates to SQL Server on ports 1433 (TCP) and 1434 (UDP).
  • Management Server Communicates to LCS using the configure in the setting page, it depends the port opened by LCS
  • Management Server communicates to Domain Controller (DC) / Global Catalog (GC) either on port 389 (LDAP) or 3268 (UDP). Users used to communicate to DC / GC need at least read access.
  • Port opened by LCS are used by mobile devices to connect to LCS.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) Server uses ports 3101 (BES Server Routing Protocol Infrastructure) and 443 (Management console).

Communication Server communicates with Apple Push Notification Services via port 2195 and FQDN

When IOS devices are used with Wireless Networks instead of mobile networks, ensure that the port 5223 (outgoing) is not blocked. Otherwise, notification will not be delivered to the IOS devices.

Symbian does not support HTTPS connections. Once HTTPS is activated, TMMS will need to be installed manually.