
To set up a Deep Security Agent gold image:

  1. Install the Deep Security Agent software on the image.
  2. Open the Services console and turn off the Trend Micro Deep Security Agent service.
  3. Set the startup mode of the Trend Micro Deep Security Agent service to Manual.
  4. Go to C:\ProgramData\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent\dsa_core folder and delete all files that have the following extensions:
    • *.db
    • *.crt
    • *.ini
    • *.config
    • *.bin
  5. Save the image. It is now ready for re-provisioning.

After the image is re-provisioned:

When re-provisioning thousands of images at a time, it may be necessary to use a third-party application to set the Trend Micro Deep Security Agent service to Auto Start mode and to start the service.
  1. Change the Trend Micro Deep Security Agent service back to Auto Start mode.
  2. Start the service.