
Use this PowerShell script to deploy and activate the DSA:

# Trend DS Client install script

# Update values here if needed
$path = "<Enter Shared/UNC Path where Agent MSI package is located>"
$dsmhost = "<Enter FQDN/IP Address of Deep Security Manager here>"
$dsmheartbeatport = "4120"

$dsmconnection = "/a dsm://" + $dsmhost + ":" + $dsmheartbeatport + "/"
$file = $path + (Get-ChildItem $path *.msi)

if(!(Test-Path ("HKLM:SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\Deep Security Agent")))

write-host "No TDS client installed found, lets start installation..."
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\TMDSC_TEMP | Out-Null
copy $file C:\TMDSC_TEMP\
$localfile = Get-ChildItem C:\TMDSC_TEMP\*.msi
write-host "Installing Trend Micro Deep Security client..."
Start-Process -filepath $localfile -ArgumentList "/qb /norestart" -Wait
Start-Sleep -seconds 2
write-host "Done, cleaning up installation folder..."
Remove-Item C:\TMDSC_TEMP -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -seconds 5
write-host "Registering host with DSM...."
Start-Process -filepath "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent\dsa_control.exe" -ArgumentList $dsmconnection  -Wait
write-host "Done registering... Finished."

else {write-host "TrendMicro Deep Security client already installed. Exiting..."}