To use Device Wipe:
- Log in to the WFBS Security Server console and go to Security Settings.
- Select the Exchange Server (MSA) and then click Configure Settings.
Click image to enlarge.
- On the left pane, go to Mobile Security > Wipe Devices > Select Devices.
Click image to enlarge.
- Type the Exchange Server owner name and click Search. All registered devices of the owner will show in the list.
Click image to enlarge.
- Tick the device(s) that you want to wipe and then click Wipe. You can only select that devices that have "Available to wipe" status.
Click image to enlarge.
After choosing devices to wipe, the page will go back to the Mobile Security > Device Wipe page.
- When the status shows "Wipe Successful", click Delete to remove the device(s) from the Exchange Server.
If you do not click Delete after a successful Device Wipe, the device will perform a Device Wipe again when the device syncs with the mail account. MDM will not check if the Wipe is successful or not.
You can query the Exchange Server and refresh the page to see if the device is still in the server.
If you want to cancel a Device Wipe, you can click Cancel Wipe while the status is still "Wipe Pending". This will stop the wipe command.