
The VMCI driver is working properly and the virtual machine’s (VM) version is updated. However, there is no found entry of "vmci0" in the .vmx file that causes the issue.

Verify if there is no "vmci0" entry in the .vmx file:

Shutdown the target VM prior to performing the following procedure.
  1. Using VMware vSphere Client, open the vCenter.
  2. Highlight the target host encountering the issue and go to its Summary tab.
  3. Under Resources, right-click on the storage and select Browse Datastore.
  4. Look for the .vmx of the host.
  5. Make sure that the following line exists:

    vmci0.present = "TRUE"

If the "vmci0" entry is not present, add it to the .vmx file:

  1. Download and edit the .vmx file.
  2. Add the following line:

    vmci0.present = "TRUE"

  3. Save the changes and upload the updated .vmx file.
  4. Start the VMware machine.
  5. Check if the "Anti-Malware Engine offline"status still appears on the DSM console.

    If the issue persists, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.