
To limit the CPU usage of DSA on Linux Red Hat 5 64-bit, AIX 5.3, Solaris 10 Sparc platforms:

Make sure the Deep Security Manager (DSM) and DSA are 9.0 SP1 or later version.
  1. On the DSM console, open CMD and CD to the DSM installation folder.
  2. Execute the following command to set the limit CPU usage of DSA to 30% :

    dsm_c -action changesetting -name com.trendmicro.ds.integrity:settings.configuration.systemIntegrityCPULimit -value 30

    If you have a multi-tenant environment, run the following command for each tenant:

    dsm_c -action changesetting -name com.trendmicro.ds.integrity:settings.configuration.systemIntegrityCPULimit -value 30 -tenantname TENANTNAME

The limit of the CPU usage should now be set to 30%.