When you try to add the scan server, EMC Isilon cannot connect to the ServerProtect for Storage 6.0 and the following error appears:
Upon checking the packet capture, the following shows:
ICAP/1.0 400 Bad request
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:33:50 Eastern Daylight Time
Service: SPFS-AV
Service-Id: TrendMicro
ISTag: "9.80.1009-11.615.00-1.615.00"
X-Scan-File-Max-Size: 1024
Connection: close
Encapsulated: null-body=0
Based on the packet capture above, it only shows "" and it does not have "icap://" in the request. The error occurs because the request should contain "icap://" but EMC Isilon removes it.
As a workaround, you need to change the path:
- Under the ICAP server, click the Add server link.
- Enter the following path:
icap://<IP/hostname of scanner>/spfs-av
For example, icap://