
There are 3 ways to verify whether the IMSVA Scanner Service is running or not:

  • Through the IMSVA web console:
    1. Open the web console and click System Status on the left pane.
    2. The status of the Scanner Service is shown under the Managed Services table. A green check will indicate that it is running.

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      Note: Click the Stop button if you prefer to stop this service manually.
  • Through email notification:
    1. On the web console, click Administration on the left pane and select Notifications.
    2. On the Events tab, locate System Status under System Events Notification.
    3. Locate the setting, "Service on any scanner stops for more than"; and select Email or SNMP, depending on which notification type you prefer to inform you that the Scanner Service has stopped.
    4. On the same setting, specify the number of minutes to indicate the duration of Scanner Service downtime that will trigger the notification.

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      Note: Selecting this setting will allow you to format the message to your preference, including setting variables for %SERVICENAME% and %HOSTNAME% (in case you have multiple IMSVA scanners).
  • Through the shell command console:
    1. Log on to IMSVA via SSH using the root user and password.
    2. Note that the Scanner Service uses the process name “imssd”.
    3. There are two commands to choose from to check if the Scanner Service is running:
      • Type “service --status-all | grep imssd”. This will indicate if the imssd process is running. It will also list the PIDs of all imssd service threads running.

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      • Type “ status”. This will list all IMSVA services currently running, including imssd.

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