To address the issue, EasyFix for System Certificates Tool can be utilized to resolve the self-integrity check failure.
You may refer to the steps mentioned in this KB article. Use the following command:
EasyFixSysCerts.exe A1
To address the issue, EasyFix for System Certificates Tool can be utilized to resolve the self-integrity check failure.
You may refer to the steps mentioned in this KB article. Use the following command:
EasyFixSysCerts.exe A1
On the ..\AU_Data\AU_Log\TmuDump.txt, you see the following error message:
"UpdateManager endwith 69 (450000): ActiveUpdate self integrity check fail."
The "ActiveUpdate self integrity check fail" error usually appears when necessary certificates are missing. As a result, the updates cannot be validated and will fail.
For endpoints that do not have the required certificates in their trusted certificate stores, the following issues may occur:
To address the issue, EasyFix for System Certificates Tool can be utilized to resolve the self-integrity check failure.
You may refer to the steps mentioned in this KB article. Use the following command:
EasyFixSysCerts.exe A1