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Majority of Mobile threats targets Android devices.

Major Ransomware types in Mobile Devices

Mobile Ransomware

Mobile Ransomware Infection Vector

  • Third-party app store
    • The most common infection vector is downloading ransomware-infected apps from third party app stores.
    • No ransomware-infected app has been found in the official Google Play and Apple App store yet.
  • Social Network
    • Text messages with malicious links may trigger users to open the link and download a Ransomware unknowingly.

Trend Micro solutions for Ransomware in Mobile

Trend Micro’s Mobile Protection products contain key technologies to protect against ransomware.

MARS is a cloud-based technology that automatically identifies mobile threats based on app behaviour. Any newly installed application will be scanned by MARS to check if it is a Ransomware. MARS can also perform the following:

  • Crawls and collects a huge number of Android and iOS apps from various markets
  • Identifies existing and brand new mobile malware
  • Identifies apps that may abuse privacy and device resources
  • App repack and vulnerability assessment

WRS and URL Filtering are services that checks the URLs being accessed and blocks those that are unsafe. These services also do the following:

  • URL Categorizations grant URL Category type to each URL, identifying Ransomware
  • Block malicious URL before virus patterns release
  • URL Reputation Scoring grants WRS Score to each URL
  • Stop users from visiting or downloading from malicious URLs

Unlocking a device from a Screen Locker

The device can be unlocked by booting it to safe mode, then removing the application that locks the device. For additional information, check this article: Removing lock-screen type ransomware using Safe Mode on Android .