
Configuring Postfix to reject RCPT TO queries for local domain accounts involves two modification processes in an existing IMSVA setup:

  1. Modify configuration file to accept wildcards in the recipient_access table:
    1. Login to the IMSVA’s CLI using root account.
    2. Search for the parameter "unknown_local_recipient_reject_code" and change its value from 550 to 554:

      unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 554

    3. Add the "show_user_unknown_table_name" at the bottom of the file and set its value to “no”.
    4. Configure smtpd_recipient_restrictions in

      smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access pcre:/opt/trend/imss/postfix/etc/postfix/recipient_access, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination

    5. Save the changes and exit out of the file.
  2. Use regular expression in recipient_access file to define wildcard:
    1. Query the IMSVA server’s hostname:

      # postconf myhostname
      myhostname =

    2. Create the /opt/trend/imss/postfix/etc/postfix/recipient_access using the touch command:

      # cd /opt/trend/imss/postfix/etc/postfix/
      # touch recipient_access

    3. Modify the recipient_access file to define the wildcard using the hostname identified in Step B6. An example may look like this:

      /.*$/ REJECT Invalid Recipient

      Use a space to separate “REJECT” and “Invalid Recipient” messages.
    4. Save the changes and exit out of the file.
    5. Run postmap on the recipient_access file:

      # postmap /opt/trend/imss/postfix/etc/postfix/recipient_access

    6. Restart the Postfix service.

      # service postfix restart

    7. Test via telnet email.

On a test environment using the steps above, the test results looked like this:
