
To block the download of all .VBS files, do either of the following:

  1. On the IWSVA Web UI, go to HTTP > HTTP Inspection > Filters then click Add.
  2. On the Inspection Filter window:

    • In the Filter Name field, enter a filter name and description. For example: Deny if Content-Type contains "text/vbscript".

    • Tick the Basic View radio button.
    • As Filtering Type, tick the HTTP Response radio button, then tick the Header checkbox.

    • Click the plus sign (+) next to the last column to select the Name and Value heading to be used.

      The following should appear under the columns:

      • Under the Name column: Content-Type
      • Under the second column: Contains
      • Under the Value column: text/vbscript

      Set name and value text_vbscript

      Click image to enlarge

  3. Go to HTTP > HTTP Inspection > Policies then click Add. Name the policy then select the users to which the policy applies.
  4. Select the created filter and the action must be Block.


  1. On the IWSVA Web UI, go to HTTP > HTTP Inspection > Filters then click Add.
  2. On the Inspection Filter window:

    • In the Filter Name field, enter a filter name and description. For example: Deny if Content-Disposition contains ".VBS"

    • Tick the Basic View radio button.
    • As Filtering Type, tick the HTTP Response radio button, then tick the Header checkbox.

    • Click the plus sign (+) next to the last column to select the Name and Value heading to be used.

      The following should appear under the columns:

      • Under the Name column: Content-Disposition
      • Under the second column: Contains
      • Under the Value column: .vbs

      Set name and value vbs

      Click image to enlarge

  3. Go to HTTP > HTTP Inspection > Policies then click Add. Name the policy then select the users to which the policy applies.
  4. Select the created filter and the action must be Block.