
Check the size of ofcserver.ini file under the \PCCSRV\Private folder.

If the file size is much smaller than 40KB (e.g. just around 1KB), we would consider this is a file corruption issue.

Follow the steps provided in the following KB article: Recovering a server from a corrupt ofcserver.ini file in Apex One/OfficeScan to recover the file.

If the database is in codebase mode, rebuild a new empty database and check if the issue can be fixed.

  1. Create a backup of ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\Officescan\PCCSRV\HTTPDB.
  2. Delete the contents of ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\Officescan\PCCSRV\HTTPDB.
  3. Restart the OfficeScan Master Service.
  4. Wait until the agents report back to the OfficeScan server.

It is suggested to migrate the database from codebase mode to SQL Server for more stable performance and better experience.

  1. Optimize some configurations of Apex One/OfficeScan server.

    1. Back up and edit the ofcscan.ini file on the Apex One/OfficeScan server and add the following Max Buffer and thread number setting:

      [INI_SERVER_SECTION]  Max_Event_Buffer=3000  Max_Log_Buffer=3000  Command_Handler_Static_Thread_Number=80  Command_Handler_Maxium_Thread_Number=80     [INI_DBFILE_SECTION]  DB_MEM_OPT_MAX = 102400  DB_ENFORCE_DBFLUSH_PERIOD=86400  Change the value of DB_ENFORCE_DBFLUSH_PERIOD to 86400 which means doing it per day.  
    2. Increase the interval of the heartbeat settings from Apex One/OfficeScan web console under Agents > Global Agent Settings > Network.

      Optimize Apex One server

  2. Optimize IIS.

    1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and select the server on which you want to perform this procedure.

      Optimize Apex One server

    2. Click Application Pools in the left pane, select the OfficeScanAppPool that the Apex One/OfficeScan server is using from the list in the center pane, and then click Advanced Settingsā€¦ in the right pane. Then the Advanced Settings dialog box appears.

      Optimize Apex One server

    3. On the Advanced Settings dialog box, make the following changes:

      • Change the value of the parameter Queue Length to 65535.
      • Change the value of the parameter Maximum Worker Processes to 5 or more.

      Optimize Apex One server

    4. Increase AppConcurrentRequestLimit via CMD:

      1. From the Apex One/OfficeScan server, open CMD:

        CD C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv

      2. Type the following:

        appcmd.exe set config /section:system.webserver/serverRuntime /appConcurrentRequestLimit:100000

        Optimize Apex One server

    To verify this change, open the file: %systemroot%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config, and then verify the value of parameter serverRuntime appConcurrentRequestLimit, which should be 100000.

    Optimize Apex One server

  3. Set MaxUserPort to 65534.

    Add the following entries in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters registry hive:

    • TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30

      TCPTimedWaitDelay is in seconds. This determines the time that must elapse before TCP can release a closed connection and reuse its resources.

    • MaxUserPort = 65534

      MaxUserPort determines the highest port number TCP can assign when an application requests an available user port from the system.

  4. Back up and remove the IIS logs. The default location is %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles.

    Optimize Apex One server

  5. After these changes have been made, stop and start the following services:

    1. Stop Apex One/OfficeScan Master Service.
    2. Stop IIS Service.
    3. Stop World Wide Web Publishing Services.
    4. Start World Wide Web Publishing Services.
    5. Start IIS Service.
    6. Start Apex One/OfficeScan Master Service.

    Check if the issue can be fixed.

If the issue persists, collect the following for further investigation and send the logs to Trend Micro Technical Support: