
SMS required ports

The GUI client uses the following TCP ports

  • 9033
  • 10042

SMS Automatic Upgrades: The SMS client will auto-update to the latest SMS installed version.



  1. Access the SMS server website. Depending on the settings, you may need to log in with your account. In the Address field of your web browser, enter:https://<smsipaddr> where <smsipaddr>is the IP address you configured for your SMS.
  2. On the left navigation pane, click theCircle with isymbol to open the menu options.
  3. Click on the 'Client installation' option.
  4. On the SMS home page, click the Install the Client link under SMS Client Software.
  5. Select the version.
    1. For Windows, in the Download Complete dialog, click Open to start the SMS Client installer.
    2. For a Linux 64-bit client, select "Linux (64-bit) to download and run the following from the directory containing the installer:chmod 755; ./
    3. For Mac,select "Mac OS X) Linux (64-bit) andopen theSMSInstall.dmgwith DiskImageMounter. After it is mounted, double-click the SMS Client Installer to launch the installer.
  6. Follow the instructions for the installer. The installation wizard begins with a scan of your system.
    1. If the system does not have a previous SMS Client installed, it indicates steps and actions to install the application.
    2. If the system has a previous SMS Client installed, it informs you that a version is detected and provides an option to continue upgrading the current version or change directories, retaining the older version.
  7. The installation wizard continues with messages and information regarding the new client and shortcut locations. Each step may include further options and progress indicators.
  8. When completed, you can access the client using the desktop icon. To start the client, double-click the TippingPoint SMS Client icon on your desktop.