
To make sure that the TMCM/Apex Central server will not consume all the free disk space, do the following:

  1. Free disk space in the SQL server. Follow the steps below:
    1. In the TMCM/Apex Central server, go to Start > Control Panel > Services, then stop the Trend Micro Control Manager service.
    2. Go to the SQL server, then Add space to the SQL server if it is virtual, or delete any files that you can.
    3. For TMCM/Apex Central, can go to ..\Trend Micro\Control Manager\AU_Data and delete the folder called AU_Data, which is a temporary folder for updates.
  2. Login to the SQL Management Studio using an account that has permission to view and configure the TMCM/Apex Central database (db_ControlManager).
  3. Make a backup of the TMCM/Apex Central database. Do the steps below:
    1. Right click on db_ControlManager.
    2. Choose Tasks > Back Up, then press Enter.
    3. Choose Backup component: database, the configure the destination.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Shrink the TMCM/Apex Central database to save on space. Either of the following steps can be used to shrink the database:
    • Right-click on db_ControlManager > Tasks > Shrink > database.
    • From the SQL Management Studio, highlight db_controlmanager then click on New Query. Copy and paste the commands below and then click on Execute Query:

      use db_ControlManager
      alter database db_ControlManager set recovery simple
      dbcc shrinkfile('db_ControlManager_log',10000)
      alter database db_ControlManager set recovery FULL

    • Limit the transaction log of the TMCM/Apex Central database. Do the following:
      1. Right-click on db_ControlManager and choose Properties.
      2. Click on Files, then on the right pane, scroll to the end and look for the db_ControlManager_log.ldf.
      3. Look for a column called Autogrowth / Maxsize, then click on the gray box with three dots for the ldf file.
      4. Enable autogrowth, then under maximum file size, choose "limited to" and change the default (2,097,152) to 2,000.
      5. Click OK twice.
  5. Go back to TMCM/Apex Central server, and restart the TMCM/Apex Central service.
  6. Login to the TMCM/Apex Central console and go to Logs > Log maintenance. Review these so that you can make sure the database is maintained properly and you only keep what you need. Then scroll to bottom and click save.
  7. Configure the SQL server to have a scheduled database backup. Do the following:
    1. Login to the SQL management studio using an account that can manage the TMCM/Apex Central™ database.
      You must be a member of sysadmin role to create and manage maintenance plans.
    2. On the left side, expand Management, then right-click on Maintenance Plans > Maintenace Plan Wizard.
    3. Follow the steps to make a database backup for TMCM/Apex Central regularly. If you do not make a backup, the transaction logs will grow and keep more transactions.