To make sure that the TMCM/Apex Central server will not consume all the free disk space, do the following:
- Free disk space in the SQL server. Follow the steps below:
- In the TMCM/Apex Central server, go to Start > Control Panel > Services, then stop the Trend Micro Control Manager service.
- Go to the SQL server, then Add space to the SQL server if it is virtual, or delete any files that you can.
- For TMCM/Apex Central, can go to ..\Trend Micro\Control Manager\AU_Data and delete the folder called AU_Data, which is a temporary folder for updates.
- Login to the SQL Management Studio using an account that has permission to view and configure the TMCM/Apex Central database (db_ControlManager).
- Make a backup of the TMCM/Apex Central database. Do the steps below:
- Right click on db_ControlManager.
- Choose Tasks > Back Up, then press Enter.
- Choose Backup component: database, the configure the destination.
- Click OK.
- Shrink the TMCM/Apex Central database to save on space. Either of the following steps can be used to shrink the database:
- Right-click on db_ControlManager > Tasks > Shrink > database.
- From the SQL Management Studio, highlight db_controlmanager then click on New Query. Copy and paste the commands below and then click on Execute Query:
use db_ControlManager
alter database db_ControlManager set recovery simple
dbcc shrinkfile('db_ControlManager_log',10000)
alter database db_ControlManager set recovery FULL
go - Limit the transaction log of the TMCM/Apex Central database. Do the following:
- Right-click on db_ControlManager and choose Properties.
- Click on Files, then on the right pane, scroll to the end and look for the db_ControlManager_log.ldf.
- Look for a column called Autogrowth / Maxsize, then click on the gray box with three dots for the ldf file.
- Enable autogrowth, then under maximum file size, choose "limited to" and change the default (2,097,152) to 2,000.
- Click OK twice.
- Go back to TMCM/Apex Central server, and restart the TMCM/Apex Central service.
- Login to the TMCM/Apex Central console and go to Logs > Log maintenance. Review these so that you can make sure the database is maintained properly and you only keep what you need. Then scroll to bottom and click save.
- Configure the SQL server to have a scheduled database backup. Do the following:
- Login to the SQL management studio using an account that can manage the TMCM/Apex Central™ database. You must be a member of sysadmin role to create and manage maintenance plans.
- On the left side, expand Management, then right-click on Maintenance Plans > Maintenace Plan Wizard.
- Follow the steps to make a database backup for TMCM/Apex Central regularly. If you do not make a backup, the transaction logs will grow and keep more transactions.
- Login to the SQL management studio using an account that can manage the TMCM/Apex Central™ database.