Views: 229


Connected to the Trend Micro update website, ActiveUpdate provides up-to-date downloads of pattern files, scan engines, programs, and other Trend Micro component files through the Internet.

Disabling ActiveUpdate prevents regular downloads of component updates.
Data collectedIP addresses of machines running ActiveUpdate
Console locationUpdate > Configure > Schedule Setting
Console settings

Frequency: None

Set Frequency to None

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Product Registration

This feature is used to activate product license and verify the authenticity of the product license.

Data collectedIP addresses of machines running Product Registration
Console locationNot configurable on the product console.
Console settingsNot configurable on the product console.

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Business Intelligence Foundation (BIF)

This feature is used to calculate the installation base of ServerProtect.

Data collectedIP addresses of machines running BIF and host names of machines installed with ServerProtect
Console locationNot configurable on the product console.
Console settingsNot configurable on the product console.

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