Views: 195

Web Reputation

InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance integrates with the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network, a cloud-based infrastructure that determines the reputation of websites that users attempt to access. InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance logs URLs that Smart Protection technology identifies as fraudulent or known sources of threats, and uploads the logs to the Threat Management Services Portal for report generation.

If you do not want to allow Trend Micro Web Reputation services to collect any data about URLs, do not install Trend Micro InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance.

Data collectedURLs
Console locationThis feature cannot be disabled. If you do not want this data to be collected, do not install Trend Micro InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance.
Console settings

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Smart Feedback

Smart Feedback enables you to participate, share, and leverage Trend Micro’s global database of threat related intelligence to rapidly identify and defend against potential threats within your unique network environment.

Disabling Smart Feedback prevents the transmission of data to Trend Micro, but affects the enhancement of InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance to rapidly identify and address new threats.
Data collected
  • URLs
  • Virus names
Console locationHTTP > Advanced Threat Protection > Settings
Console settings

Send feedback on infected URLs to Trend Micro

Smart Feedback

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Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer

InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance submits the data to Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer to detect unknown threats. Deep Discovery Analyzer is able to find exploit code, Command & Control (C&C) and botnet connections, and other suspicious behaviors or characteristics.

Disabling Deep Discovery Analyzer prevents the transmission of data to Deep Discovery Analyzer, but severely affects the ability of InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance to detect advanced malware.
Data collected
  • File names
  • URLs
  • Source IP addresses
  • User names
  • Traffic directions
  • Microsoft Office documents, images, executables, audio/video files, Java applets, archives, or other files types that you specify.
Console locationHTTP > Advanced Threat Protection > Custom Defense
Console settings

Enable DDAn Submission and SO Sync


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