To do a silent installation of Deep Security Agent:
- Create a temp folder under C:\.
- Copy and extract the Deep Security Agent MSI installer into c:\temp. Make sure you have noted the correct folder location and MSI package name, pay attention to extension names.
For example, if your system has already hidden the extension name, and you rename the installer as agent.msi, the actual name will be "agent.msi.msi", which will cause a failure.
- Run the command prompt with an administrator account.
- Ensure that the Windows system does not have any existing Deep Security Agent.
- Execute silent installation and enable the logging function by adding "/L*v <Log location>". Below is a sample:
msiexec /i c:\temp\Agent-Windows-11.0.0-173.x86_64.msi /qn /L*v c:\install_log.txt
It should generate installation logs in install_log.txt located under c:\. Just in case any issue occurs during the installation, we can trace the reason from this log file.
- Check the agent notifier icon from the Task Bar to verify that the agent has been successfully installed.