Views: 152

Domain Settings

Upon registration of a domain in Cloud Pre-Filter for protection, the administrator must specify the domain name and the incoming mail server IP address or FQDN responsible for the domain.

If a domain is deleted, Cloud Pre-Filter purges its information and does not provide protection for the domain any more.
Data collected
  • Domain names
  • IP addresses and/or FQDNs of incoming mail servers
Console locationCloud Pre-Filter > Domain name > Domain

domain settings

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Approved Sender List

Messages from Approved Senders are able to bypass the Email Reputation service and antispam filters.

If an entry is deleted from the Approved Sender List, the information will be purged from Cloud Pre-Filter.
Data collected
  • Sender email addresses or IP addresses
Console locationCloud Pre-Filter > Domain name > Conditions
Console settings
  • Approved Sender List

approved sender

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Blocked Sender List

Messages from Blocked Senders are prevented from reaching recipients.

If an entry is deleted from the Blocked Sender List, the information will be purged from Cloud Pre-Filter.
Data collected
  • Sender email addresses or IP addresses
Console locationCloud Pre-Filter > Domain name > Conditions
Console settings
  • Blocked Sender List


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Valid Recipients

Valid Recipients works by comparing the mail recipients to a list of your users on Cloud Pre-Filter. The Cloud Pre-Filter list of your users is generated through synchronization with your LDAP servers.

If valid recipient check is disabled, the valid recipient information will be purged from Cloud Pre-Filter.
Data collected
  • Valid recipient information
Console locationCloud Pre-Filter > Domain name > Conditions
Console settings
  • Enable Valid Recipient check


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Email Reputation

Email Reputation enables you to take advantage of a dynamic and constantly updated email source rating system to block spam and other unwanted messages. Email Reputation blocks messages from source IP addresses whose current reputation ratings are poor.

Customers with a valid Cloud Pre-Filter license may contact Trend Micro Technical Support to request for disabling this feature.
Disabling Email Reputation prevents the mentioned data from being sent to Trend Micro, but severely affects the ability of Cloud Pre-Filter to detect and block spam from known and emerging spam sources.
Data collected
  • Source IP addresses of incoming email messages
Console locationCloud Pre-Filter > Domain name > Filter

email reputation

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Cloud Pre-Filter stores logs of all processed email messages for the administrator’s own use and query purposes. The logs are kept for 30 days, and the number of days to keep logs is not configurable.

Logs cannot be disabled unless you choose not to use Cloud Pre-Filter.
After scheduled log deletion, all data are purged and cannot be retrieved further.
Data collected
  • Sender email addresses
  • Recipient email addresses
  • Email subjects
  • Sender IP addresses
  • Recipient IP addresses
  • Attachment names/hash values
  • Message IDs
Console locationLogs > Query


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