  1. Install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Stop the following Control Manager Services:
    • Trend Micro Control Manager/Apex Central™
    • Trend Micro Management Infrastructure
  3. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL Express Instance.

    SQL Express login

  4. Right click on "db_ControlManager" or "db_ApexCentral" (it can differ if you chose a different name)
  5. Click on Tasks > Detach.

    Object Explorer

  6. Tick Drop Connections and Update Statistics. All existing Connections will be dropped.

    Detach Database

  7. Copy the following database files to the new SQL Server:
    • For Control Manager:
      • db_ControlManager.mdf
      • db_ControlManager_log.ldf
    • For Apex Central™:
      • db_ApexCentral.mdf
      • db_ApexCentral_log.ldf

    The default file location of the SQL Server is \Program Files\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL<Version>.<InstanceID>\MSSQL\DATA

  8. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the new SQL Server Instance.
  9. On the left pane, right-click on Databases, then select Attach...

    Attach database

  10. Click on Add.

    Attach DB - Add

  11. Choose which Database you want to attach.

    Attach DB - Select DB

  12. Once the Database is successfully attached, configure TMCM to connect to the new Database. Do the following:
    1. Go to the TMCM Server and open Command Prompt.
    2. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Control Manager\DBConfig.
    3. Use the following command:
      DBConfig.exe -DBName="<DBname>" -DBAccount="<DBaccount>" -DBPassword="<password>" -Mode=">WA or SQL>" -DBHost="<IP address or FQDN of SQL server>"


      • DBName - Name of the Database
      • DBAccount - Account used to login on the SQL Server Management Studio to access the DB
      • DBPassword - Password used to login on the SQL Server Management Studio to access the DB
      • Mode - There are 2 options WA (Windows Authentication) or SQL
      • DBHost - Use the IP or FQDN of your SQL Server

    Below is an example of a successful connection to the database:

    Successful Connection

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