
The table below shows the policy information errors and their descriptions:

Internal Error
(Error Code)
SituationSuggested Action
201512001Failure when starting the Apex One Vulnerability Protection Service on the Security Agent

Disable Apex One Vulnerability Protection and re-deploy it with Policy enabled:

  1. On the Apex Central web console, navigate to Policies > Policy Management.
  2. Under Product, select Apex One Security Agent and modify the Policy that has the Integrated Vulnerability Protection enabled.
  3. Under Vulnerability Protection Settings, uncheck Enable Vulnerability Protection.
  4. Click Deploy.
  5. When policy status is deployed, repeat steps 1~4 this time check the “Enable Vulnerability Protection” setting.
  6. On the agent side, verify if the Apex One Vulnerability Protection is enabled.
  7. Verify if Apex One Vulnerability Protection service is enabled.


201512001Missing VCRuntime ComponentInstall VCRuntime 2017 and 2019 by following this article.
201512002Failure when stopping the Apex One Vulnerability Protection Service on the Security Agent

Restart the machine first, and then proceed with the following steps to stop the Trend Micro Vulnerability Protection Service (Agent) service:

  1. Disable Apex One Security Agent Self-Protection:
    1. On the Affected Endpoint, Go to System Tray and Open The Security Agent Console
    2. On the lower-right part of the console, Click the Lock Button and Enter the Password to unlock the Security Agent. This should disable temporarily the Agent Self Protection.


  2. Start a Command Prompt as Administrator.
  3. Run the command “sc stop ivpagent”.
  4. Redeploy the Apex One Vulnerability Protection policy.
201512003Failure when starting the Network Driver on the Security Agent

Check if the registry key of Apex One Vulnerability Protection is enabled:

  1. Make sure the value of the registry key \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tbimdsa\Start is set to "1". Modify it if it's not "1".
  2. Manually execute the following command to start the Network Driver Service:

    sc start tbimdsa

    If Network Driver Service fails to start, disable Apex One Vulnerability Protection setting to remove it and re-deploy with Policy enabled.

201512004Failure when creating the named pipe for the Apex One Vulnerability Protection Service on the Security Agent

Turn off Apex One Self Protection, then restart the service on the Security Agent:

  1. On Apex Central, navigate to Policies > Policy Management.
  2. Select the Policy and modify it under Privileges and Other Settings.
  3. Untick these 4 options:


  4. Click Deploy.
201512005Failure when cleaning the in-used setting in the driver

Turn off Apex One Self Protection:

  1. On Apex Central, navigate to Policies > Policy Management.
  2. Select the associated policy and go to Privileges and Other Settings
  3. Untick these 4 options:


  4. Deploy the Policy.
  5. Restart the Apex One Vulnerability Protection Service.
201512006The Network Driver is not running

Start the network kernel driver:

  1. Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Manually execute the following command to start the Network Driver Service:

    sc start tbimdsa

  3. Deploy the Apex One Vulnerability Protection policy.
201512007Failure when removing the configuration file (config.tbf)Check if there are any processes that might lock the file in the Apex One Vulnerability Protection folder. Terminate the process and try to deploy the same Agent Policy again.
201512008Failure when creating the named pipe for the Network Driver

Turn off Apex One Self Protection, then restart the Security Agent:

  1. On Apex Central, navigate to Policies > Policy Management.
  2. Select the associated policy and go to Privileges and Other Settings
  3. Untick these 4 options:


  4. Deploy the Policy.
201512009Failure to install driver due to restriction of number of installed network drivers

Refer to the following KB article: Unable to deploy Apex One Vulnerability Protection driver due to cap on installed network drivers