  1. Go to ADMINISTRATION > Tools.
  2. Under Uninstaller for Mac, click the download link.
  3. Go to the Mac from which you want to uninstall the Security Agent.
  4. Browse to the folder and copy the package.
  5. Extract the package and follow the on-screen instructions.

To do a mass uninstallation:

  1. Enable the Remote Management on client side, the device should be scanned in Apple Remote Desktop.

    Uninstall Security Agent

    Uninstall Security Agent

    Uninstall Security Agent

  2. Add clients into the Apple Remote Desktop.
    1. From the Apple Remote Desktop server, look for the clients you want to uninstall the Security Agent and drag it to All Computers.

      Uninstall Security Agent

    2. Type in the User Name and Password of the target client. The client device will be marked in scanner and will appear in All Computers as well.

      Uninstall Security Agent

      Uninstall Security Agent

  3. Create task – Uninstall package in Remote Desktop
    1. Select the target clients and click the Install icon
    2. Click + to select the WFBS-SVC_Agent_Uninstaller.pkg, then click the Open button.
      Please contact Trend Micro Technical Support to get the .pkg file.

      Uninstall Security Agent

    3. Save the task and provide a valid name information (e.g. Uninstall Package).

      Uninstall Security Agent

    4. Run Uninstall Package to uninstall the Security Agent on target clients.

      Uninstall Security Agent

    5. Make sure that the Current Status of the target client is "Available".

      The Task Status should show "Succeeded" when the task is completed.

      Uninstall Security Agent