
To overcome this issue, edit the Ofcscan.ini file and save the changes:

  1. Log off from the Apex One web console.
  2. Open the Ofcscan.ini file in the ...\PCCSRV\ folder in the Apex One installation directory.
  3. Add the following key under the INI_SERVER_SECTION section and set its value to "0".


    Where "x":

    0 = allows Apex One agents to move from one domain to another using the same computer name

    1 = (Default) prevents Apex One agents from moving from one domain to another using the same computer name.

  4. Save the changes and close the file.
  5. Log on to the Apex One web console and open the Global Agent Settings and hit 'save' on that page for the new settings to take effect.
For concerns related to Apex One as a Service, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.