
Web Reputation

Deep Discovery Web Inspector integrates the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network, a cloud-based infrastructure that determines the reputation of websites that users attempt to access. Deep Discovery Web Inspector logs URLs that Smart Protection technology identifies as fraudulent or known sources of threats, and uploads the logs to the Threat Management Services Portal for report generation.

If you do not want to allow Trend Micro Web Reputation services to collect any data about URLs, do not install Trend Micro Deep Discovery Web Inspector.
Data collectedURLs
Console locationThis feature cannot be disabled. If you do not want this data to be collected, please uninstall the application.
Console settings

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Scan Policies

Deep Discovery Web Inspector uses scan policies to determine what incoming traffic should be scanned and the action to take if there is a policy match.

To prevent the transmission of data by scan policies, you can delete all custom policies and disable the default policy (which cannot be deleted).

Deleting all custom policies and disabling the default policy prevents the transmission of data to Trend Micro but also prevents Deep Discovery Web Inspector from inspecting traffic. All traffic will bypass scanning and traverse the appliance without scanning. This prevents Deep Discovery Web Inspector from detecting and protecting against security threats.
Data collected
  • Filenames
  • URLs
Console locationPolicy > Policy
Console settings

[Policy Name] > Enable

You must switch the Enable toggle to “Disable” for all policies including the default policy to completely disable the data collection.

Scan Policies_Disable

Scan Policy_Default

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Smart Feedback

Smart Feedback enables you to participate, share, and leverage Trend Micro’s global database of threat related intelligence to rapidly identify and defend against potential threats within your unique network environment.

Data collected
  • IP addresses
  • URLs
  • Filenames/paths
  • Hostnames
  • Suspicious executable files
  • Partial file content
Console locationThis feature cannot be disabled from the product console. Contact Technical Support for assistance if you want to disable data collection from Smart Feedback.
Console settings

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Virtual Analyzer

Virtual Analyzer is a secure virtual environment that opens suspicious files submitted by Deep Discovery Web Inspector to test for malicious behavior. Virtual Analyzer is able to find exploit code, Command & Control (C&C) and botnet connections, and other suspicious behaviors or characteristics.

Disabling Virtual Analyzer prevents the transmission of data to Trend Micro but severely impacts the ability of Deep Discovery Web Inspector to detect advanced malware.
Data collected
  • IP addresses
  • URLs
  • Hostnames
  • Filenames/paths
Console locationAdministration > Virtual Analyzer > Images
Console settings

[Image Name] > Delete

You must delete all images to prevent the transmission of data to Trend Micro.

Virtual Analyzer

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Threat Connect

Threat Connect allows you to assess and understand the complete nature of an attack or threat based on a visual representation of relevant intelligence gathered by the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network™ and Trend Micro Threat Researchers. Threat Connect can characterize specific attack components such as malware and command & control activity, and map the complex relationships between the components.

Data collected
  • IP addresses
  • Hostnames
  • URLs
  • Filenames
Console locationDetections > All Detections > [expand details] > Detection Information
Console settings

Threat name [link]

The only way to prevent the transmission of the data back to Trend Micro servers is to not click the Threat name link.

Threat Connect

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This feature is used to calculate the installation base and system status of Trend Micro Deep Discovery Web Inspector.

Data collected
  • Activation Code and GUID
  • Product version
  • Feature enabled status
  • System status
Console locationThis feature cannot be disabled. If you do not want this data to be collected, please uninstall the application.
Console settings

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Apex Central

Deep Discovery Web Inspector can be configured to integrate with Trend Micro Apex Central, a Connected Threat Defense (CTD) solution for Trend Micro products. If integrated, Deep Discovery Web Inspector uploads newly found suspicious objects to Apex Central.

If you do not want to allow Trend Micro Apex Central services to collect any data, you cannot integrate Deep Discovery Web Inspector with Apex Central.
Data collected
  • IP addresses
  • Hostnames
  • URLs
  • Filenames
  • Deep Discovery Web Inspector product information such as build, version, and GUID
Console locationDetections > All Detections > [expand details] > Detection Information
Console location

Deep Discovery Web Inspector Console Location

  • Administration > Integrated Products/Services > Apex Central

    DDWI console location

Apex Central Console Location

  • Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration > Add

    Apex Central console location

Console settings

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Deep Discovery Director

Deep Discovery Web Inspector can be configured to integrate with Trend Micro Deep Discovery Director, a Connected Threat Defense (CDT) solution for Deep Discovery products. If integrated, Deep Discovery Web Inspector uploads newly found suspicious objects to Deep Discovery Director.

If you do not want to allow Deep Discovery Director to collect any data, you cannot integrate Deep Discovery Web Inspector with Deep Discovery Director.
Data collected
  • IP addresses
  • Hostnames
  • URLs
  • Filenames
  • Deep Discovery Web Inspector product information including hotfix, build, version, hardware model, and GUID
Console location

Administration > Integrated Products/Services > Deep Discovery Director

Apex Deep Discovery Director

Console settings

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