
You will see that WinVerifyTrust failed, followed by 2148204810 or 2148098053. This means that ATTK failed to verify the digital signature of binaries. This results from changing the root certificate from VeriSign to DigiCert, which may not be installed on old versions of Windows OS (e.g. Windows XP).

[34b0:36d4] 12/16 11:20:46:808-091 [I] PluginExecute::iRobotGUI[d:\irobot_1.62\src\supportwrapper\WrpPluginImpl.h(176)]
[34b0:36d4] 12/16 11:20:46:839-092 [*] DigitalSignVerifier::_TmSigVerifyFileImp() CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash failed (C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\TrendMicro AntiThreat Toolkit\hc_attk\attk_ScanCleanOffline_gui_x64.exe) with error 1168[.\SignVerifier.cpp(304)]

[34b0:36d4] 12/16 11:21:23:048-093 [*] DigitalSignVerifier::_TmSigVerifyFileImp() WinVerifyTrust failed (C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\TrendMicro AntiThreat Toolkit\hc_attk\attk_ScanCleanOffline_gui_x64.exe) with error 2148204810, unable to verify embedded signature[.\SignVerifier.cpp(345)]

[34b0:36d4] 12/16 11:21:23:048-094 [*] ATTK::Plugin::CheckExecutableSignature() File (C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\TrendMicro AntiThreat Toolkit\hc_attk\attk_ScanCleanOffline_gui_x64.exe) could not pass sign check, abort launching ...[d:\irobot_1.62\src\supportwrapper\WrpPluginImpl.h(38)]
  1. Manually install the following root certificates:
    • DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
    • DigiCert Assured ID Root CA

    The certificate files can be downloaded from this link.

  2. Install Windows Updates if there are any related to updating root certificates.