Set up the Advanced Spam Protection filter to only apply to Incoming messages to prevent internal emails from being scanned.
If all messages need to be scanned by Advanced Spam Protection filter, but you do not want the filter to take actions for incoming mails detected as “Other spam”, configure the following settings:
With the above settings, when internal messages are still detected as spam, go ahead and check the detected messages by doing the following:
Confirm whether the detected messages have failed information of Sender Policy Framework (SPF) on the email header. For example, Fail or softfail.
Confirm whether you have inconsistent Reply-to or Return-path on the detected message mail headers, in which the domain name is not included in the internal domain list.
- If the mail headers are not consistent with the sender’s domain, go ahead and check whether you have a special setting or whether this mail is forged in the internal mail.
If you implement some special settings, which modifies the mail header, go ahead and check whether TMCAS' current approved list setting can bypass them. It includes the following: