telnet <IP address of machine> <port number>
- Log on to SPS server console from VM console or SSH.
Click the image to enlarge.
- Create a directory (tmp) under activeupdate directory.
- Download the latest Smart Scan Pattern (TBL) using the wget command,
In the event that there is no Internet connection for the SPS machine, you may skip this step and choose either of the options below (WinSCP or CMD) to manually transfer Smart Scan Pattern file (TBL). Proceed to the next step. - Access the SPS server console and check if the file is successfully transferred. Enter the command:
ls –l
Click the image to enlarge.
- Perform the following:
- Enter the following command:
vi /var/tmcss/conf/FRSUpdateCounter.ini set CONT_FULL_TBLPTN_COUNT=0
Click the image to enlarge.
Press "i" to enter input mode, then navigate using arrow keys to modify the parameter:
Click the image to enlarge.
To save and quit, press 'ESC' key. Type ":wq" then press 'Enter'.
- Enter the following command:
vi /var/tmcss/conf/FRSVersion.ini set LeaderTablePatternVersion=0, BFPatternVersion=0
Click the image to enlarge.
Press i to enter input mode, then navigate using arrow keys then modify the parameter
Click the image to enlarge.
To save and quit, press 'ESC' key. Type ":wq" then press 'Enter'.
- Enter the following command:
/opt/icrc/spsc/support/ /opt/icrc/spsc/
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the following command:
sudo -u webserv /usr/tmcss/bin/AU_FRS --servimporttbl
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the following command:
sudo -u webserv /usr/tmcss/bin/AU_FRS --servau 2
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the following command:
cat /var/tmcss/conf/FRSVersion.ini
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the following command:
cat /var/tmcss/conf/FRSUpdateStatus.ini
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the following command:
service lighttpd restart
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the following command:
Below are two methods to transfer files from Windows to Unix system:
- Using WinSCP
- Download WinSCP application from this site.
- Install WinSCP.
- Download the latest Smart Scan pattern from this link.
- Extract the zip file and you should see a pattern file icrc$tbl.XXX
- Open WinSCP. Go to Session tab and click New Session.
Click the image to enlarge.
- A new window will appear to log in the credentials for the connection.
Click the image to enlarge.
- Enter the hostname, username and password of the SPS machine.
- Hostname – hostname/IP of SPS machine
- User name – user name of the SPS machine (e.g. root)
- Password – password of the user name (e.g. password)
- Once done, click Login and you should see a similar window below,
Click the image to enlarge.
- Navigate to the directory (right side) from Step 2 and directory (left side) of the downloaded Smart Scan pattern on your local machine. Drag and drop the file from your local machine to the remote machine.
Click the image to enlarge.
- Uploading should proceed.
Click the image to enlarge.
- Using CMD
- Download Putty application.
- Install the Putty application.
- Download the latest Smart Scan pattern from this link.
- Extract the zip file and you should see a pattern file icrc$tbl.XXX.
- Open a Command prompt and type the following command:
pscp –P <ssh port> “Full path of icrc file on local machine” <username>@<ip or hostname of the remote server>:<location of the destination folder>
Click the image to enlarge.
- Press 'Enter' to trigger the password for the root username.
Click the image to enlarge.
- Once typed in, press 'Enter' and the transferring of files will now proceed. You should receive a similar output once completed.
Click the image to enlarge.