
To customize the notifications:

  1. Log in to TMEMS console and navigate to Administration > Policy Objects > Notifications.
  2. Create a copy of a pre-defined notification (e.g. Email Quarantined).

    Create copy of notif

    Creating a copy is needed because pre-defined notifications cannot be edited.
  3. Click on the copy that was created. This will open the Edit Notification window.
  4. Change the following following fields based on preference, then Save the changes:
    • Body: add variables to customize the content.
      A complete list of variables can be access in this article: Rule Tokens/Variables
    • From: change from to no-reply@<your domain>
      The notification settings cannot be changed if the FROM field is not changed.
    • To: add the recipient email addresses

    Customize Notification Content

  5. Apply the customized notification to the policies (for sample purposes, Spam Policy is used below):
    This procedure can be applied for any policy, and email notifications can be customized for any type of detection of the product.
    1. Go to Inbound Protection > Spam Filtering > Spam Policy, then click on the policy where the notification will be applied to.
    2. Go to Actions > Monitor, and tick the checkbox for Send Notification.
    3. Click on the Message to people hyperlink. The Notification pop-up window will appear.
    4. On the left column, select the Notification that will be sent, then click Add.

      Apply notif to policy

    5. Click Save.